School Name: Hong Kong Shue Yan University
Number of Students: 5,132
Location: North Point, Hong Kong
International Student Tuition Fee: USD 15,000/year approximately, not confirm with EDB of Hong Kong for the next academic year
Established Year: 1971
Boarding: Yes
Category: Private
Community College Support: N/A
Programs offer: Degree, Master and Doctoral
Hong Kong Shue Yan University aims to promote the spirit of humanity and the freedom of learning with a scientific approach and also to contribute to the development of higher education in Hong Kong; and to demonstrate by consistent behavior the virtues of humanity and the objective attitude of men of culture. The university provides opportunities to study overseas for exchange in Australia, Austria, Canada, Finland, France, Germany, Japan, Mainland China, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Republic of Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, the UK, the USA and Vietnam. There are 2 bachelor programs partner with University of Leicester, UK.
Hong Kong Shue Yan University has enormous options of MPhil and Phd subjects and most of the courses are partnered with overseas universities.

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